Cafecito and Tarot• A Daily Tarot Podcast
Welcome in my LOVE and let me pour you some BREW, Tarot Brew that is. This is the Cafecito and Tarot Podcast. A semi- daily Tarot Podcast for magical mystical living Tune in for wisdom, guidance and inspiration from the cards by Nicole P, your Spiritual Barista. Cafecito and Tarot offers practical and insightful reflections of the Tarot to help you navigate the magical, mystical and mundane of this dance called life. Sunday BREW episodes twice a month with mini readings and meditations. Grab your cup and allow Nicole to pour you the Daily Tarot Brew.

Tuesday Jun 20, 2023
Tuesday Jun 20, 2023
Beautiful Soul!
I am so ready for SUMMER !
On this episode I just free flow my reflections on the energies of the season, share a little personal stuff adn offer a visualization to welcome the vibes of summer!
Tune into this extended episode and take what flows... leave what does not
Thank you for tuning in!
Nicole P

Thursday Jun 15, 2023
Thursday Jun 15, 2023
Mystical SOUL!
I offering you a message for your journey.
It is a reminder that I hope serves you well. I pulled an oracle card and in some ways this card is calling me out!
I know I need to take my own advice so take a listen and let me know how you are committing to allowing more of the INSECT card in your life.
Thank you for tuning in!
Mad love,
Nicole P
I would be so honored if you could take a few minutes of your time and leave a review on the listening platform of your choice! It really helps to get the word out about this work of LOVE.

Tuesday Jun 13, 2023
Tuesday Jun 13, 2023
This is a one of those cards that deserves a little extra time.
I am trying to keep the Daily Mystic Brews down to 5 minutes but how could I with this card?
Cosmic connection is Sun in Gemini and when you pull this card, it is as if you can feel all 10 of those swords in your body.
Take a listen as I share a way that we can open to the healing energies and medicine of this card.
I am telling you, I have been in relation ship with this card for the last almost three years during my total breakdown to break though journey.
SO I know this card well, as you may also.
Hit play and let the words guide you and love on you!
Mad Love,
Nicole P

Monday Jun 12, 2023
Monday Jun 12, 2023
Divine Rising Mystical Soul!
Ohhh.... this is a good one from the Five of Swords!
Venus vibes keep showing up!
What is the price of your peace is the message that keeps popping in my head!
Tune in and hear about the brew that I am pouring you today
Mad Love!
Nicole P

Sunday Jun 11, 2023
Sunday Jun 11, 2023
Hello Beautiful Soul!
On todays episode I share a 6 card reading that focuses on the powerful connection our dreams have to the Cosmos as well as the magic and miracles within us.
I love this message and I hope that it flows with you!
Grab your cafecito or tecito , get comfy and press play.
Mad Love,
Nicole P

Sunday Jun 04, 2023
Sunday Jun 04, 2023
Mystical SOUL!
What is good in your world?
How are you feeling from the Full Moon last night? I must say that I am already feeling the vibrations of possibilities and it feels pretty damn good!
I am slowly coming back to the podcast in these upcoming weeks. It has been really intense in my family life and there are now some signs of stability - praise the Goddesses.
On today's extended Sunday episode I share with you:
Insights into the energy of the Full Moon in Sagittarius
Blessings for you
Three card energy read for the week ahead
A special message from the HERMIT
Visualization and Affirmation for you to access anytime you need
I hope that this episode offers you what your soul needs :)
Thank you so much for tuning in AND if you have not done so already, please consider leaving a review on the platform that you tune in on! This would be so so so amazing! I thank you in advance!
Take care Mystical SOUL and I will be back soon!
Nicole P

Tuesday May 30, 2023
Tuesday May 30, 2023
Happy Tuesday!
I hope that all is flowing as good as can be in your life. How was your weekend?
Mine was busy and enjoyable. Loving the warm weather and sunshine here in the PNW.
Take a listen to words of inspiration coming from the 3 of Pentacles and let me know what you think!
Have a wonderful day!
Mad Love,
Nicole P
Check out the website! Submit a question to have answered on the podcast
Please leave a review if this work of love flow with you!
You can do so on. the listening platform of your choice.

Sunday May 28, 2023
Sunday May 28, 2023
Mystical Soul!
I am talking about manifesting in this episode and something that always gets left out of when talking about the practice of manifesting.
When I think of a manifestor card, the Magician comes to mind. There are many other cards that we can connect to the art of manifesting but I feel like the Magician offers a special message for us in regards to manifesting.
Grab your cafecito or tecito and get ready to hear the wisdom that is dropped on this Sunday extended episode.
Please visit the Cafeito and Tarot podcast at!
Feel free to submit a question to have read on. the air!
Also one more favor, please subscribe and leave a review if you vibe with this labor of love!
I have a goal of reaching more people and spreading love and inspiration!! Your review will help me to do so!
Thank you for tuning in!
Nicole P

Friday May 26, 2023
Friday May 26, 2023
Happy happy day!
On todays episode I share with you a message of love that is inspires by the Empress.
I hope that this episode flows with you in some way shape or form.
Make sure you check out the Cafecito and Tarot website!
I welcome you to share any reviews of the podcast as well as submit questions that you may have around Tarot, Spreads or anything related to your spirtual journey.
Thank you for tuning in!
Nicole P

Monday May 22, 2023
Monday May 22, 2023
What is good in your world?!?
I am back with the daily card pulls so grab your cafecito or tecito and tune in and hear what message the five of swords has for you today!
Thank you for tuning in!
Mad Love,
Nicole P

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