Cafecito and Tarot• A Daily Tarot Podcast
Welcome in my LOVE and let me pour you some BREW, Tarot Brew that is. This is the Cafecito and Tarot Podcast. A semi- daily Tarot Podcast for magical mystical living Tune in for wisdom, guidance and inspiration from the cards by Nicole P, your Spiritual Barista. Cafecito and Tarot offers practical and insightful reflections of the Tarot to help you navigate the magical, mystical and mundane of this dance called life. Sunday BREW episodes twice a month with mini readings and meditations. Grab your cup and allow Nicole to pour you the Daily Tarot Brew.

Monday Sep 25, 2023
Monday Sep 25, 2023
Happy Monday!
I pulled two cards today for a beautiful beautiful message that I really needed to hear!
I used the Pride tarot Deck and the Earthcraft Oracle deck.
Tune in and see how the message flows with you.
Mad Love,
Nicole P

Sunday Sep 24, 2023
Sunday Sep 24, 2023
Welcome to the Sunday Cafecito
This is something I started last week where I answer listener questions on Sundays.
Today I am sharing how to go about choosing your first Tarot deck and some key things to care for your deck once you make that purchase.
I hope that there are some nuggets of wisdom here for you!
Thank you for tuning in and if you would like your question answered here on the podcast, please go to to submit your question.
Mad Love!
Nicole P

Thursday Sep 21, 2023
Thursday Sep 21, 2023
Beautiful Soul!
I drew two cards today and we have a special appearance from someone who shoed up a few days ago in the reversal.
Can you guess which card it is?
Tune in to hear the message :)
Hope that this episode serves you in some way shape or form!
Mad Love,
Nicole P
*Got a burning question you would like answered on the air? Head over to to submit your question*

Tuesday Sep 19, 2023
Tuesday Sep 19, 2023
What a beautiful message from the Ace of Cups!
Feel free to share this episode with someone who could use these words.
I am using the Pride Tarot Deck and I quote thw words from the Ace of Cups illustrator Polly Fae in this episode.
Thank you for tuning in!
Nicole P

Monday Sep 18, 2023

Sunday Sep 17, 2023
Sunday Sep 17, 2023
Hey Beautiful Soul!
This is the very first of the new Sunday series that I am launching where I answer your questions on the air :)
Today I pulled cards for a listener in Minnesota who is navigating change and not feeling super pumped about a big move she recently made.
Tune in to hear the cards I pulled and how I interpreted them.
This is for entertainment purposes only. This episode is not a substitute for professional help. This is not mediumship, fortune telling or psychic services. By listening to this you understand the aforementioned. Please us sacred discernment with consuming any content, including mine. This is meant to serve as self exploration - Remember - you have free will to choose your path. Love and blessings!

Friday Sep 15, 2023
Friday Sep 15, 2023
Mercury has stationed direct and can you believe that the card I pulled today is the 10 of swords?
I ended up making a mini episode here because there is a larger connection I wanted to make between the meaning of the 10 of Swords and how this cards relates to the Lovers card.
Tune in and let me know what your thoughts are to this card.
Wishing you a wonderful day!
Nicole P
check out the Cafecito and Tarot website to submit questions that I will answer on the air!

Thursday Sep 14, 2023
Thursday Sep 14, 2023
What is good in your world BEAUTIFUL SOUL?!?
I offer you an extended episode all about the New Moon in Virgo.
I am talking about the Tarot of this New Moon and energies that this lunation offers us.
Grab your cafecito or tecito and press play.
Thank you for tuning in!
It truly means the world to me!
Nicole P

Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
The Daily Tarot Brew for Wednesday September 13th
Tune in and hear the messages that this card has for you.

Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
My Love, the Daily Tarot Brew is a little different today.
I am sharing with you some really serendipitous moments because I just really needed to share this with someone!
Tune in to hear what blesings came to me today.
Mad Love
Nicole P

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