Cafecito and Tarot• A Daily Tarot Podcast

Welcome in my LOVE and let me pour you some BREW, Tarot Brew that is. This is the Cafecito and Tarot Podcast. A semi- daily Tarot Podcast for magical mystical living Tune in for wisdom, guidance and inspiration from the cards by Nicole P, your Spiritual Barista. ​ Cafecito and Tarot offers practical and insightful reflections of the Tarot to help you navigate the magical, mystical and mundane of this dance called life. Sunday BREW episodes twice a month with mini readings and meditations. Grab your cup and allow Nicole to pour you the Daily Tarot Brew.

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The Three of Cups

Wednesday Jan 25, 2023

Wednesday Jan 25, 2023

Ok, today I busted out in song.
Don't judge - loo
The cosmic connection of the Three of Cups is Mercury in Cancer. The message is short , sweet and oh so needed.
Press play and listen to what the Three of Cups has to offer you.

The Eight of Pentacles

Tuesday Jan 24, 2023

Tuesday Jan 24, 2023

Tune in today to hear what wisdom Eight of Pentacles has to offer.
The cosmic connection is Sun in Virgo and I feel like this is a message that we all need to hear from time to time. I know for sure that I needed this message as I can get so fixated on measuring success in a limited way.
Thank you for tuning in!
Please rate and leave review on your platform of choice!
Any help that you can offer in getting the word out about the Cafecito and Tarot podcast would be greatly appreciated!

Saturday Jan 21, 2023

This episode is a quick one.
I usually offer extended episodes on the New and Full Moon but today was one of those days where I was getting in my own way:(
I hope that there are some words of wisdom that you find beneficial to your New Moon rituals.
I send you so much love!
Nicole P

Four of Wands

Thursday Jan 19, 2023

Thursday Jan 19, 2023

On todays episode I share a message from the Four of Wands.
Cosmic connection is Venus in Aries.
If you are in need of a pick me up, this episode is for you.
Real quick, if you are finding value in the Cafecito and Tarot podcast, please please please leave a review on the listening platform of your choice. I greatly appreciate any help with getting the word out about this labor of love.
I send you love!
Nicole P

Wednesday Jan 18, 2023

Today I am sharing a message of encouragement and love.
In this episode I share with you a message for the times in your journey that you may feel like you do not have the answers or feel stuck regarding what is next or what you want to do in life.
I hope that these words find you well and that there is something in this episode that help you with your self care on your mystical journey.

Tuesday Jan 17, 2023

Happy day Mystical Soul.
I am talking about the Queen of Cups is a different way then we often see.
Yes, she/they can be soft but there is something else that wants to come through this card.
Tune in to find out.
I do drop the F word a couple times in this episode FYI.
Mad LOVE to you and I hope this episode serves you!
Nicole P
#Tarotpodcast #Queenofcups

Thursday Jan 12, 2023

Love and blessings mystical soul!
Tune in today as I share a message of love and encouragement for you. This episode is all about honoring your self expression.
With Mars stationing direct we may feel more energies of this emperor/fire and energy to start and also continue actions especially around ideas and communication.
I think you so much for tuning in
Have a blessed day.
And if you have not done so already, if you find any of these episodes of service or a value to you please consider leaving a review on the platform of your choice.
Take care.

Wednesday Jan 11, 2023

Today is a powerful ANGEL number day!
Tune in to hear how I break the numbers down, do a live card pull from both Tarot and an Oracle deck as well as lead you through a brief meditation based off of the cards that I pulled for us today.
You do not want to miss this episode!
I am so honored to have you here!
Nicole P
Your Spiritual Barista

Tuesday Jan 10, 2023

Love and Blessings!
Today I pulled the Two of Swords today and let me tell you, I lived in this card for many many years.
I adore this card and am absolutely fascinated by the imagery and symbols it offers us. Tune in and hear how I talk about the Major Arcana influences of this card as well as different take on the meaning of the Two of Swords.
I appreciate you and thank you for tuning in.

The Queen of Wands Reversed

Monday Jan 09, 2023

Monday Jan 09, 2023

The Daily Mystic Brew is served hot and fresh just for you!
Today I am talking about the Queen of Wands reversed. This card did not fly out of the deck like the Moon card yesterday, nonetheless it has some special messages for us.
Tune in as I share some meanings of the Queen of Wands reversed.
As always, it is an honor to have you stop by the podcast,
Stay Mystical!


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